FaceBook pڭ
第 11  期


尋找臺灣當代酷兒電影中《梁山伯與祝英台》 及「凌波熱」論述之遺緒
Eternal Love for Love Eterne: The Discourse and Legacy of Love Eterne and the Lingbo Frenzy in Contemporary Queer Films in Taiwan
作者 王君琦
Author Chun-Chi Wang
Keywords Love Eterne, Lingbo, Lingbo frenzy, female feminine masculinity, female homoeroticism, maternal imaginary, The Peony Pavilion, Love Me, If You Can
Abstract This paper examines the cultural meaning of Love Eterne (Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai, dir. Li Han-Xiang, 1963) from the perspective of queer history. I argue that the cross-influence of the cinematic representation of cross-dressing and extra-cinematic star discourse about the famous performer Lingbo (Ivy Ling Po) render her the epitome of female feminine masculinity, and her popularity among female fans, thus, can be read beyond a hetero-centric interpretation. Moreover, engaging with Taiwan's cultural history from the perspective of a queer-positioned reader provides a different understanding of the journalistic accounts of the highly emotional and affective star-fan interaction as a form of representation, illuminating a homoerotic subtext. Through the narrative tropes and motifs of cross-dressing, female singing, and most importantly, female feminine masculinity as an object of women's desire, two contemporary queer films—The Peony Pavilion (Wo de meili yu aichou, dir. Chen Kuo-Fu, 1995) and Love Me, If You Can (Feiyue qinghai, dir. Alice Wang, 2003)—exemplify the legacy of Love Eterne and the Lingbo frenzy in the representation of female homoeroticism. This establishment of a genealogical relationship between the discourse of Love Eterne and contemporary queer films is proposed as a supplement to enrich the scholarship that conceptualizes the representations of female homoeroticism in the Taiwanese cultural context.
/ 林文淇    Wenchi-Lin
《南國再見,南國》: 另一波電影風格的開始
/ 沈曉茵    Shiao-Ying Shen
City People: Youth and the Urban Experience in Hou Hsiao-Hsien's Later Films
/ 葉蓁    June Yip
微觀電影史:評張靚蓓 《凝望.時代:穿越《悲情城市》二十年》
/ 王萬睿    Wan-Jui Wang
2000 年以後侯孝賢電影研究書目
/ 中、英文資料整理╱曾炫淳;法文資料整理╱孫松榮    Chinese and English bibiography by Hsuan-Chun Tseng; French bibliography by Song-Yong Sing
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