FaceBook pڭ
第 14  期


Visual Archive and Dialogical Aesthetics in Chun-Ming Hou's The Asian Fathers Interview Project
作者 盛鎧
Author Kai Sheng
關鍵詞 侯俊明亞洲人的父親視覺檔案對話美學互文性
Keywords Chun-Ming Hou, The Asian Fathers Interview Project, Visual Archive, Dialogical Aesthetics, Intertextuality
摘要 2008年在日本橫濱美術館駐館期間,臺灣藝術家侯俊明以一對一的訪談方式,將受訪者談論父親及他們之間關係的內容與圖畫,創作成《亞洲人的父親》,並於該地展覽。其後,2009年侯俊明亦以同樣方式,在臺灣完成另一系列的作品,並展出日臺兩地的創作。2010年侯俊明更前往曼谷進行第三系列的訪談,並於當地畫廊展出日、臺、泰三國的作品。對侯俊明來說,《亞洲人的父親》是個開放且持續發展的作品,每當加入某地另一系列的新創作,就是在積累且豐富這項作品。
Abstract Chun Ming-hou's The Asian Fathers Interview Project originated during a residency program and exhibition at the Yokohama Museum of Art in 2008, and followed up during his retrospective exhibition in Taiwan. In 2010, Hou went on the third phase of his interview project and exhibition in Bangkok. According to his plan, Hou collaborated with volunteer individuals in one-on-one exchange sessions, then assembled his artistic output through interviews and sketches based on the recollections of the relationships between the interviewees and their fathers.

In its overall form, this project is not only a kind of conceptual art with an interactive creation plan but also a collection of visual memory archives. The interviewees' affection toward their fathers, their memories, or even imaginations concerning their fathers all involve the issues of self-identification and the parent-child relationships in modern families, as well as the influences of father images on children. The Asian Fathers Interview Project is rather innovative in Taiwan and Asian contemporary art and deserves exploration.
/ 楊小華    Hsiao-Hua Yang
/ 黃猷欽    Yu-chin, Huang
/ 洪敏秀    Min-Hsiou Hung
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