FaceBook pڭ
第 23  期


Wm. Th. de Bary’s Works on ‘Asia in Core Curriculum’
作者 鄭文泉
Author Tee, Boon-chuan
關鍵詞 狄培理哥倫比亞大學核心課程亞洲文明東亞傳統。
Keywords Wm. Theodore de Bary, Columbia University, Core Curriculum, Asian Civilization, East Asian Tradition
摘要 從哥倫比亞大學的「核心課程」角度來看,狄培理既是此一課程的受惠者,也同時是一光大者。狄培理對「核心課程」的光大作用,即在於將亞洲文明含納於內,以補「當代文明」不過「當代西方文明」一義的不足之處。為此,狄培理沿著「核心課程」既有的學術體例,建立起一點、面兼具的「亞洲作為核心課程」的著作體系:「點」是始終注重原始文獻與典籍的閱讀,為此有「典籍導讀」類著作與「亞洲典籍翻譯」系列之主持;「面」是「點」的文明史化,以期透過對該文明自家說法的系列文本之閱讀而能得一整全、平實的認識,為此他負責的「亞洲文明導論」系列之《中國傳統讀本》、《日本傳統讀本》、《韓國傳統讀本》及《東亞傳統讀本》,更是不假他人之手親編而成。由於狄培理的整體亞洲「核心課程」著作,始終都透露出文明間的「求同存異」之可貴學術精神與願望,他晚年對此類著作的不無自許之情是可以理解的。
Abstract The aim of this paper is to evaluate the legacy of Wm. Theodore de Bary’s works on “Asia in Core Curriculum” to the civilizational study. The background of de Bary’s study on Asia civilization is to expand the scope of ‘Contemporary Civilization’ at Columbia University at his time consisted only of western civilization. In comply with the Columbia’s tradition of Core Curriculum, de Bary’s works on Asia were also comprised introduction to Asian major works or classics, and historical reading based on its basic writings of several East Asian traditions especially under his editorial series of Introduction to Asian Civilizations. Therefore de Bary’s works offers a model of source readings to the needs of civilizational dialogue and study around the world.
/ 鍾彩鈞    Chung, Tsai-chun
宋末元初「述朱」脈絡下的易學與術數學 ──胡一桂《周易啟蒙翼傳.外篇.焦氏易林》芻議
/ 陳詠琳    Chen, Yong-lin
/ 楊自平    Yang, Zi-ping
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