FaceBook pڭ
第 26  期


論明代全真教隱微原因: 以萬曆年間嶗山釋道教產之爭為例
Investigation of the reasons causing the decline of the Quan-jan Taoism by taking the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism in Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty as an example
作者 梁淑芳
Author Liang, Shu-fang
關鍵詞 全真教耿義蘭憨山德清嶗山太清宮
Keywords Quan-zan Taoism, Yi-Lang Zhuyin, HanShanTeChing, Laoshen, Taiqing palace
摘要 明代萬曆年間嶗山發生佛道爭產的訴訟,以耿義蘭為首的全真道士控訴佛教大師憨山德清興建之海印寺侵佔太清宮產。這場訴訟由憨山勝訴,耿義蘭上告京師。最終由明神宗出面,發回更審,扭轉判決結果。觀察訴訟始末,反映明代全真教沒落之史實。
Abstract In the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty, a Quan-jan Taoist of Yi-Lang Zhuyin led to accuse a Buddhism Master, HanShan TeChing, of building Haein temple invading the property of Taiqing palace in In Lao Mountain, as a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. TeChing won the case, however, Yi-Lang Zhuyin persevered to file the lawsuit directly to the emperor, which finally led to overthrow the verdict through retrial and won the case. This historical event reflects the fact of the decline of the Quan-jan Taoism.
This article proposes to analyze the process of this historical dispute over land, which provides clues for the decline of the Quan-jan Taoism. In the end of the Ming dynasty, a rumor arises in that Taoists in the Taiqing palace sold out the land to HanShan TeChing. Through related literature and law, this rumor is invalid since the land own by monks was not allowed for sale at that time. The historical property dispute event indicates that the emperor strongly supported the Lao mountain Taoism. The decline of Quan-jan Taoist in Ming Dynasty is predominantly caused by the insufficient support from the pollical power. This is probably due to the development and broadcast of religions in the era of emperor, greatly reflected by the land dispute historical event between Buddhism and Taoism.
/ 白宛仙    PAI, Wan-hsian
不合時宜的儒教捍衛者── 從辜鴻銘在臺灣的演講說起
/ 廖崇斐    Liao, Chong-fay
/ 張政偉    Chang, Cheng-wei
/ 丘慧兒    Yau, Wai-yi
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