倫理、敘事與美好生活的追求 |
Ethics, Narrative and the Pursuit of a Favorable Life |
作者 |
林慧如 |
Author |
Hui-Ju Lin |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Clinical Ethics,
Narrative Ethics,
Medical Education,
摘要 |
在醫學倫理教育中推展敘事是一種賦能的策略,目的是讓醫療專業人員擺脫專業科技思維的宰制,思考切身的真實處境以追求美好的生活。 |
Abstract |
Essentially, medical ethics is not just the application of ethical theory to the medical field, but an inter-professional discipline. For those who are familiar with ethics principle but strange to concrete understanding of clinical situations, and for those who have professional knowledge but without ethics sensitivities, they will be incapable of making best clinical decision. Because the complexities of clinical ethics exist most of all in different and individual situation, therefore, in comparison with focusing on the professional ethics principles, the inter-professional discussion will be a better way to approach the complicated clinical ethics.
We promote the education for narrative medical ethics because it will be a useful tactics for empowerment, which can let medical professionals be free from the inflexible and over-professional thinking, and let them think about their real existential situation in order to pursue a favorable life. |