FaceBook pڭ
第 63  期

Special Issue

The Multiple Implications of Environmental Justice
作者 石慧瑩
Author Huei-Ying Shih
關鍵詞 環境正義分配參與承認能力
Keywords Environmental Justice, distribution, recognition, participation
摘要 環境正義是當代環境運動以及環境政治理論的重要概念。從名稱及內容來看,環境正義都源自當代主流正義理論,以分配正義為核心議題,關注環境資源與環境危害的公平分配,是當代環境理論與實踐最重要的發展。然而,1990年代以後西方政治哲學界發展出多元正義理論,許多學者質疑分配正義只追求資源與財貨的公平分配,卻無法對分配不公的原因提供充分解答,局限了人們對正義概念的理解。因此在多元主義思維擴展下,學界打破獨尊分配的正義模式,另外發展出參與、承認與能力等創新的正義涵義。近年來環境正義學者也開始引入正義的多元主義模式,不再只偏重環境事務的分配,而是以更多元的正義涵義廣泛地檢視環境不正義的成因與解決之道。蛻變後的環境正義論述呈現出哪些內容?分配、參與、承認及能力等內涵各提供了多元環境正義什麼樣的概念資源?是否能夠展現更強大、更周延的理論詮釋力與實踐動力?值得一探究竟。
Abstract Environmental justice is an important concept of contemporary environmental movement and environmental political theory. By the name and contents, environmental justice comes from the mainstream justice theory led by Rawls since 1970s, with the theme of distributing justice as the core issue, focused on the equitable distribution of environmental resources and environmental hazards, and with reference to issues from the local street level through to the global scale, the current generation to the future generation, human to nonhuman subjects, is the most important development of contemporary
environmental theories and practices. However, since the 1990s, Western political philosophy developed theories of pluralism, and many scholars questioned that the distributive aspects only about the subject of the equitable distribution of resources and goods, but without sufficient answers to the reason for the distribution of injustice, which limits the understanding of the concept of justice. Therefore, following a pluralist approach, some were opposed to a singular, overarching model of the distributive justice, and developed the
multiple and multifaceted notions of justice such as recognition and participation. In recent years, environmental justice has begun to introduce a pluralistic model of justice, avoiding the uniformity on the distribution of
environmental affairs, but with multiple implications of justice to extensively review the causes and solutions of environmental injustice. What kind of theories is delivered by the transformed environmental justice? What kind of conceptual resources is provided by the ideas of distribution, recognition and participation? Can the multiple environmental justice show a stronger and more comprehensive interpretation and practical motivation? It is worth to be researched further.
/ 柯志明    
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