FaceBook pڭ
第 25  期


The Research on the Process of Zhu Xi
作者 呂欣
Author Lyu- Xin
關鍵詞 朱熹《易》卜筮之書象數義理
Keywords Zhu Xi、I Ching、book of divination、xiangshu、yili、classic system
摘要 朱子易學是一個復雜而統一的理論體系。「《易》本卜筮之書」之說則引領朱熹易學體系的整體思路。通過整理朱子的易學著作、書信往來、語錄等文獻中與「《易》本卜筮之書」說相關的內容,以時間順序分析朱子此說前後思想的側重點變化,可系統地詮釋朱子「《易》本卜筮之書」說是如何影響朱子易學的演進及如何回應象數與義理之間的鴻溝的。分析朱子此說的來龍去脈,對易學史研究、朱子學研究及當代易學研究等方面研究均有重要意義。
Abstract Zhu Xi's Yi-ology 易學is a complicated but unified theoretical system. "Yi was originally a book of divination" is the theory which can leading the whole ideology of Zhu Xi's Yi-ology system. By collated Zhu Xi's Yi-ology, correspondence, quotations and other related documents with the contents about the theory "Yi was originally a book of divination", and analyze the focus changes on this theory's thoughts before and after by chronological order. It could systematically interpret how did Zhu Zi's theory "Yi was originally a book of divination" affect the progress of Zhu Xi's Yi-ology and how to the respond to the gap between xiangshu 象數 and yili 義理,and also analyze the ins and outs of Zhu Zi's this theory is of great significance to study the history of Yi studies, the learning of Zhu Xi and the contemporary Yi studies.
/ 翟奎鳳    Zhai, Kui-feng
/ 黃崇修    Huang, Chong-xiu
/ 陳政揚    Chen, Cheng-yang
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