FaceBook pڭ
第 28  期

General Article

A Case Study of Taiwanese Zhaitang—Focus on Zhaiming Monastery in Daxi
作者 吳學明
Author Hsueh-Ming Wu
關鍵詞 齋堂齋明寺台灣佛教日本曹洞宗
Keywords Zhaitang, Zhaiming Monestry, Taiwanese Buddhism, Japanese Soto Shu System
摘要 「齋堂」為齋教信徒持齋禮佛的地方。齋明寺位於桃園縣大溪鎮,是一歷史攸久的寺院。經由福份宮、齋明堂、齋明寺到今日成為法鼓山志業的一環,其歷史發展多變由此可見。
Abstract “Zhaitang”(齋堂) is where Chai Chiao(齋教) followers pray and hold ceremony. Located in Daxi Town, Taoyuan County, Zhaiming Monastery is a time-honored monastery. Its transformation from Fu-fen Temple, Zhaimingtang, into Zhaiming Monastery, which is part of the Dharma Drum Mountain, indicating its shifting history.
Before the Japanese Movement, Zhaimingtang maintained to be a “civilian religion”, and in the meanwhile, it kept communicate with nearby zhaitangs frequently. As a result, the host of Zhaimingtang was active in Taiwan’s religious circle. In addition, Zhaimingtang also maintained a good relationship with Japanese Buddhist circle. After the Japanese Movement, Zhaimingtang became a temple under the Japanese Soto Shu system(曹洞宗), and renamed as “Zhaiming Monastery”, which was the survival strategy most temples took during the Japanese Movement.
For a long time, recitation group conducted by Zhaiming Monastery’s hosts have been unique, and been active in Taoyuan, Taipei, and Keelung areas by the means of blessing ceremonies. With recent prevalence of Buddhism, professionalism of blessing recitation, and agricultural population being shrinking, although pupils of Zhaiming Monastery still pray most of them move to cities.Consequently, the monastery’s vitality has been depleted and there is a lack of heir to the tradition of monastery. Whether such situation is general among the development of Taiwanese zhaitangs is worth our attention.
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