虛擬的懷古場所‧真實的身體經——上京紀行詩的李陵臺書寫 |
The Virtual Nostalgia Place, the Real Physical Memory— Li Ling’s Gazebo Notes from Shangdu Traveling Poetry |
作者 |
李嘉瑜 |
Author |
Chia-yu Lee |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
the Yuan poetry,
Shangdu Traveling Poetry,
Li Ling,
Li Ling’s gazebo,
cultural geography
摘要 |
本文將以文化地理學做為主要參考架構,探析上京紀行詩中的書寫者們將如何定義眼前所觀覽的記憶性古蹟?而通過懷古的紀念儀式,他們又在李陵臺的空間中植入了哪些歷史記憶?我們希冀藉由此一討論,深化元代上京紀行詩研究的層面與論述。 |
Abstract |
Li Ling’s gazebo notes were the most popular theme of traveling poetry in Yuan Dynasty. Comparing the works of Li Ling’s gazebo in different times, the meanings were not the same. It was no longer an imaginative landscape where could not be reached, but a place everyone could visit. It was becoming a historical monument of memorability. However, wheather the place of Li Ling’s gazebo is the original one or not, people care more about the historical memory. Thus, the historical memory exists in the virtual nostalgia place.
The author of this article uses cultural geography as the main reference to explore how the writers of Shangdu Traveling Poetry defined the place from their own viewpoints. After reading this article, readers can review Shangdu Traveling Poetry from new perspective. |