FaceBook pڭ
第 36  期

Youth Confucianism

An Alternative Interpretation of Hanfeizi
作者 李中文
Author Lee, Zhong-wen
關鍵詞 韓非子 ; 管子 ; 內聖外王 ; 好利惡害
Keywords Hanfeizi ; Guanzi ; Inner Sageliness and Outer Kingliness (Neisheng, Waiwang) ; Seeking benefits and preventing damage
摘要 先秦的學術殿軍,法家的集大成者韓非,在中國思想史的評價中常伴隨負面的評價,而這往往源於秦國焚書坑儒的極端措施。不過,細觀韓非的學思,可以看出韓非曾受到儒家荀子與法家管子的影響,因此,本文透過《韓非子》的文本分析,看出其義理具有「內聖外王」的傳統思維。故《韓非子》的思想,很有可能是被秦始皇片面的曲解與使用。
Abstract Han Fei, a prominent thinker of the pre-Qin period and a leading figure of Legalism, has often been viewed negatively in the history of Chinese thought due to Qin Dynasty's harsh measures, including the burning of books and execution of Confucian scholars. However, a closer examination of Han Fei's philosophy reveals that he was influenced by thinkers such as Xunzi and Guanzi. Based on this observation, this paper analyzes the text of Hanfeizi to demonstrate that its doctrine is rooted in the traditional concept of "Inner Sageliness and Outer Kingliness (Neisheng, Waiwang)." This suggests that Hen Fei's ideas may have been misinterpreted and selectively applied by the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.
相關連結 https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=19945760-N202501100014-00003
/ 陳逢源    Chen, Feng-yuan
/ 魏綵瑩    Wei, Tsai-ying
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