FaceBook pڭ
第 32  期

Special Issue

An Ontological Supplement to Tai Lian-Chang's On Mystical Wisdom, Mystical Truth and Cultural Development
作者 陳榮灼
Author Chan, Wing-cheuk
關鍵詞 戴璉璋魏晉玄學自生説牟宗三海德格
Keywords Tai Lian-chang, Wei-Jing Neo-Daoism, Doctrine of Auto-Production, Mou Zongsan, Heidegger
摘要 戴璉璋的《玄智、玄理與文化發展》與牟宗三的《才性與玄理》可謂是當代魏晉玄學思想研究的雙璧。其中,戴璉璋不但對於「玄智」一概念作出了僅見的詳盡分析,而且能夠進而以「自生說」取代牟宗三之以「迹冥論」作為魏晉玄學思想的核心。可惜的是戴璉璋於「方法論」之層次,仍囿於牟宗三之影響,將「玄學思維模式」定性為「辯證的」。但是,其對魏晉玄學之詮解,雖然偏重於「工夫論」進路,不過卻可以通過一「海德格式存有論補充」,使之於義理思想的層面得到一強有力的支持乃至相應之修正。
Abstract Tai Lian-chang's On Mystical Wisdom, Mystical Truth and Cultural Development and Mou Zongsan's Talent and Mystical Truth are twin treasures in modern studies of Wei-Jing Neo-Daoism. In addition to a subtle analysis of the concept of mystical wisdom, Tai identifies the doctrine of auto-production, rather than Mou's preference for a theory of trace and effacement, as the core of Wei-Jing Neo-Daoism. However, persuaded by Mou's exposition, Tai erroneously views the methodology of Wei-Jing Neo-Daoism as a "dialectical mode of thinking." Nonetheless, as advanced in this paper, although Tai's hermeneutic account of Wei-Jing Neo-Daoism is largely bound within the frame of a practical approach, it can be supplemented and refined in terms of a Heideggerian thinking of Being.
相關連結 https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=19945760-202206-202211070011-202211070011-1-40
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