「禪定」與「智慧」的靈性修養:論《六祖壇經》之人格教育 |
Spiritual cultivation by Samadhi and Prajñā: On character education in Platform Sutra |
作者 |
王嘉陵 |
Author |
Chia-Ling Wang |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Platform Sutra,
character education
摘要 |
本文主要目的在討論《六祖壇經》當中「禪定」與「智慧」的靈性修養,並分析其所彰顯之人格教育內涵。《六祖壇經》是禪宗的重要典籍,也是華文佛學著作中,唯一被稱為「經」的作品,其對於人格教育之啟發,在佛學經典中有其重要性。本文首先申論六祖慧能所解釋的禪定之意涵及實踐方法;接著說明何謂般若智慧,討論禪定與智慧之間的關係;最後論述《六祖壇經》基於禪定與智慧所展現的人格教育意涵。依據六祖惠能的觀點,所有一切關於人的教育皆與「識本心」有關,人格與心靈成熟的條件在於能否「自淨其心」;簡言之,禪宗所主張的人格教育是回歸自性的人格教育,其靈性修養是透過「離相」、「無念」等方式回歸清淨無染的本心,找回自性當中蘊含的無限智慧,並藉以超越生命的限制。 |
Abstract |
The aim of this article is to discuss spiritual cultivation of Samadhi and Prajñā in Platform Sutra. Following this, the significance of character education by Samadhi and Prajñā is analyzed. Platform Sutra is a vital classic in Chan school, which is the only Chinese work can be called Buddhist sutra. For Buddhist character education, Platform Sutra plays a very important role. This article, first, explains the idea of Samadhi and its manners of practice. Second, the concept of Prajñā is explored, including the relations between Samadhi and Prajñā. Third, based on the main purpose of Samadhi and Prajñā in Platform Sutra, its implications on character education are discussed. According to the view of the sixth patriarch—Huineng, being aware of human original mind is a vital task for Buddhist education. The maturity of human character depends on the degree of mind purification. Therefore, this article concludes that the character education of Chan is the education of returning to the original self—the Buddha nature. ‘Non-attachment’ and ‘no-thought’ are manners for reaching this educational purpose, in order to obtaining back human original perfect wisdom, and breaking through the limitation of human life. |