FaceBook pڭ
第 76  期

Special Issue

Towards the Ideal Personality in the Unity of Beauty and Goodness: On the Role of Spirituality in Confucian Educational Philosophy
作者 何佳瑞
Author Katia Lenehan
關鍵詞 美善合一靈性人格孔子教育哲學詩教樂教
Keywords Unity of Beauty and Goodness, Spirituality, Personality, Confucius, Philosophy of Education, Poetry Education, Music Education
摘要 儘管「靈性」這個概念源自於西方,但在中國哲學中亦有相應的指涉。文章指出,雖然中國哲學未直接採用「靈性」一詞,但孔子強調培育「美善合一」的人格,其教育理念明確地體現出了靈性在其中的作用。本文首先勾勒「靈性」概念並展現出靈性作用的一些主要特徵,再從孔子所追求的「美善合一」人格理想中看見儒家人格修養所涉及的靈性作用。儘管靈性概念難以有確定的定義,但本文通過前人的探討,提出了多種觀點。各種觀點有所不同,但共同指向了靈性作用的幾個特徵,包括連結性、統整性、超越性、引導性、目的性和意義性。孔子主張在教育中融合詩、禮、樂等藝術要素,使學生同時、同步地培養美感與倫理品質。他認為樂曲與詩歌應該兼具美與善,這不僅要求作品具有道德內涵,更要追求藝術之美。孔子在自我修養中尋求美善合一的境界,在樂與詩的美感體驗中,揭露了與萬物相連結、自我統整、自我超越、引導人朝向生命意義和目的等靈性作用。他的修養過程展現了對藝術之美的追求,同時體現了倫理品質與美感之間的相互關聯。孔子教育理念中的靈性作用,不僅提升了個人的精神境界,也賦予了人生的意義與目的。
Abstract Although the concept of “spirituality” originates from the West, it also has corresponding references in Chinese philosophy. This article points out that while Chinese philosophy does not directly adopt the term “spirituality,” Confucius himself emphasizes the “unity of Beauty and Goodness” in personality cultivation, clearly embodying the working of spirituality in his educational philosophy. This article first outlines the concept of “spirituality” and demonstrates some of its key features, then examines the role of spirituality in Confucian personality cultivation, centered around Confucius’ personality ideal in pursuit of “unity of Beauty and Goodness.” Despite the challenge of defining spirituality in a precise manner, this article presents various perspectives from previous scholars, all of which converge on several characteristics of spiritual influence, including interconnectedness with all things, self-integrity, transcendence, guidance, and life purpose and meaning. Confucius advocated the integration of poetic, ritualistic, and musical elements in education, aiming to simultaneously cultivate aesthetic sensibility and ethical qualities in students. He believed that music and poetry should embody both beauty and goodness, demanding not only moral content but also aesthetic beauty. Confucius sought a state of “unity of Beauty and Goodness” in his self-cultivation, revealing spiritual workings such as interconnectedness with all things, self-integrity, self-transcendence, and the guidance of individuals towards life’s meaning and purpose through experiences in music and poetry. His process of self-cultivation demonstrates a pursuit of beauty in art while reflecting the interplay between ethical qualities and aesthetic sensibilities. The spiritual influence in Confucius’ philosophy of education not only elevates a person’s spiritual status but also imbues life with meaning and purpose.
/ 李彥儀    Yen-Yi Lee
/ 陳佩君    Pei-Chun Chen
/ 王嘉陵    Chia-Ling Wang
/ 吳美瑤    Mei-Yao Wu
/ 陳伊琳    Yi-Lin Chen
/ 張寧    Ning Chang
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