FaceBook pڭ
第 27  期


Appreciating Kyoto’s Temples: Reading an 1880s’ Travelers’ Handbook from the Prelude of Buddhist Art History
作者 巫佩蓉
Author Pei-jung Wu
關鍵詞 薩道義旅行手冊京都金閣寺等持院仁和寺
Keywords Ernest Mason Satow, handbook for travelers, Kyoto, Kinkakuji, Tojiin, Ninnaji
摘要 本文以一本出版於1880年代,以英文書寫的日本旅行手冊為主,探索當時的外國旅行者,可能探訪哪些京都古寺,又會被引導由什麼角度去觀察古寺中的文物。

Abstract Based on an English handbook for travelers published in the 1880s, this study discusses temples in Kyoto historically accessible for foreigners, and their introduction to foreign travelers.

In 1994, thirteen Buddhist temples were included as a part of “Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto” and recognized as “World Heritage Sites” by UNESCO. It is interesting to know whether travelers in the 1880s had access to these temples – now recognized as being of universal value – and if so how these places were presented to visitors. In the 1880s, the academic fields of Japanese art history, and East Asian art history, were not well established, and there were neither general Japanese art historical books with much information concerning temples, nor Buddhist art history books. A further concern of this article is whether the text concerning temples in Kyoto was written with an art history approach. Analyses of the temples listed in this handbook, and of the authorhship of the text, will contribute to our understanding of the processes through which ancient temples became famous sites for global travelers, and objects of art history research.
/ 林素幸    Su-Shin Lin
/ 邱誌勇    Chih-Yung Chiu
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