程伊川與朱子之基本分歧——一希臘哲學的視點 On the Essential Distinctions between Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi— From the Standpoint of Greek Philosophy

Wing-cheuk Chan



In the traditional typology of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, there is a tendency in neglecting the essential distinction between Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, despite their belonging to the same school. In order to overcome such a limitation, this paper first of all tries to show that their difference can be clarified in terms of the contrast between Plato and Aristotle at certain key junctures. Secondly, it will argue that although the distinction between “general knowledge” and “true knowledge” was introduced by Cheng Yi, only with Zhu Xi’s identification of “general knowledge” as “knowing by feeling” that its possibility can be well-grounded. Finally, it will show that with his affirmation of ethical feeling Zhu Xi is able to transcend the boundary of Cheng Yi’s doctrine of moral feeling.