全球化與世界主義──新冠疫情下對康德世界主義的反思 Globalization and Cosmopolitanism—Reflections on Kant's Cosmopolitanism under the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wen-Pin Chiang



The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19), which emerged at the end of 2019 and evolved into a global pandemic, will definitely stand as a major event in human history in the 21st century. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the unfairness of human beings in the face of global public health crises, as well as the failure of global public health governance mechanisms. In fact, globalization is not only the integration of markets, but also the emergence of a global civil society. Without such a global management mechanism, how can we deal with the challenges of global warming, air pollution, and terrorism under globalization? By the same token, in the face of the crises brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, what we also need is a management mechanism related to global public health, and such a global management mechanism actually implies cosmopolitan requirements. This article attempts to reflect on the global governance issues highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic and globalization through Kant's cosmopolitan viewpoint, and to provide a possible direction of thinking and pursuit.