尊重自主的現象學探討—臨床倫理的主體或他者? Thesis: Phenomenological Exploration of Respect for Autonomy—The Subject or the Other of Clinical Ethics

Shin-yun Wang



The first principle of bioethics is the principle of autonomy. On the one hand, it affirms that the patient can make the best decision for himself. On the other hand, it requires medical personnel to respect the patient's judgment and apply the standard "informed consent" procedure to reach a mutual consensus. This article will discuss both views of principlism and the caring ethics on the subject, arguing that although principlism attaches importance to the rights and obligations of the subject, it ignores the suffering subject, while caring ethics returns to the intimacy of relationships; however, it is quickly criticized as having the danger to caught up in subjectivism. In order to solve the above problems, this paper will introduce the analysis of phenomenological validity, introduce the argument of situational ethics, deepen the understanding of people by caring, expand the coherence theory of principled, and try to use validity as the coherence theory's main principles to computing the result. The analysis of validity can also serve as the basis for ethical technology.