凌遲與救贖── 論魯迅小說中的「聲音」意象 Body Dismembering and Redemption— A Discussion on the Images Behind “Sounds” in Lu Xun’s Novels

Hsin-i Chu



Lu Xun’s thought in “Iron House” reflected the national characteristics and situation of modern China, and in the narrative structure of “Iron House”, the “body dismembering” and “redemption” set by the writer in this novel made the characters personally experience the situation and swing between redemption and loss. This article focuses on the long-neglected sound
narratives in the research on Lu Xun, and the images behind the words. In the study of the various sounds arranged in Lu Xun's novels, these sounds are like props/instruments of torture used flexibly by the writer, with the function of connecting heaven and hell in the work. Among these sounds, some are screams, some are squeaky words, some are like lingering magical sounds, and some resemble sighs of silence from the quiet earth that affect the characters, plots, atmosphere and tempo. Through text reading in detail, this article will gradually explore how the “sounds” exert their effects in the novel and even execute the will of the writer, and demonstrate the mental path between the writer and the character in the plane text.