
藝術學研究  Journal of Art Studies

《藝術學研究》由國立中央大學藝術學研究所創立於2006年,每年六月與十二月發行。本刊致力於刊登藝術史、藝術理論、視覺文化領域具原創性之優良學術論文。本刊自2012年起名列臺灣人文學引文索引核心期刊 (THCI Core),2016年起獲評比為人文學核心期刊 (THCI) 第一級。本刊歡迎海內外學者投稿。來稿以未曾發表之中英文論文為限,稿件須通過同儕匿名審稿程序和編委會決議之後,始予刊登。 

Journal of Art Studies, a biannual journal established in 2006, is published by the Graduate Institute of Art Studies, National Central University in Taiwan. The journal features outstanding academic papers on art history, theories of art, and other topics in the field of visual culture. The journal welcomes submissions from both Taiwanese and international scholars. Submissions are limited to unpublished papers written in Chinese or English, which go through a double-blind peer review process and an editorial board review before publication.



The journal, orginally entitled "Bulletin of The College of Liberal Arts," was published by the College of Liberal Arts. It acceptd academic articles of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies. All submitted manuscripts underwent double-blind review process before publication. The journal has suspended publication since 2021. All of its content can be viewed and downloaded on this website.



Applied Ethics Review, a biannual journal established in 2009, is published by the Graduate of Philosophy, National Center University (Taiwan). The journal aims to provide a forum for promoting and developing the research of applied ethics. Applied Ethics Review publishes the following topics: environmental ethics, bioethics, business ethics, political ethics, ethics of technology, and so on. Each article in the journal is indexed by “Taiwan Citation Index—Humanities and Social Science, TCI—HSS.”



The Journal for Contemporary Studies of Confucianism, a semi-annual publication, issued in June and December, was first launched in 2006 by the Research Center for Confucian Studies at the National Central University in Taiwan. It offers a collection of discussions and debates on Confucianism and other relevant topics. The journal welcomes contributions in the form of essays, book reviews/review articles as well as comments to/responses to any articles published in its issues. All submitted articles are anonymously reviewed by a joint committee of scholars and experts from related areas. To encourage postgraduate students (including PhD candidates) to publish their papers, the journal has devoted a section entitled “Young Scholars on Confucianism,” introduced from Issue 22, that showcases papers contributed by students who meet the proper criteria. However, any contribution from a Lecturer in the university system in Taiwan will be reviewed in accordance with the general regulations of the journal.



This journal is a historical research journal, the main directions are the history of Ming and Qing Dynasties, modern Chinese history, Taiwan history, and public history. This journal is an annual historical journal issued by the Central University, Institute of History. It is issued once a year in April. It is not only a platform for the presentation of academic research results of teachers and students of the Institute of History, but also a solicitation for papers from the outside world. Originally issued on paper, after the twenty-third issue in 2021, it will be changed to an online electronic version.