Cheng-han Wu



The Ming Empire, with a vast territory and a complicated bureaucracy, needed a communication system to transmit political messages throughout the country. Residential Reports(Ti-pao,邸報)as a transmission vehicle, served well to integrate the empire. The intellectuals in Ming times soon found Residential Reports a useful tool to gather information of current events all over the country submitted to the court at Peking, as well as using it to communicate with their peers and thereafter to form public opinions. Then, in the late Ming, the intellectuals’ opinions mainly expressed on Residential Reports even, to a certain extent, directed the policy-making of the central government and influenced the promotions or demotions of officials.
Due to its time-oriented nature and enormous amounts, Residual Reports are only kept to the present time in the forms of fragmentary remains or pieces within books. With these limited evidences, we, however, still can try hard to reconstruct and evaluate the essence of Residential Reports. Ti-pao can be properly used as materials for historical research only after having been fully explored.