Ya-chien Ting



Human life is a process of growth and change. Life rituals are ceremonies for growth and change of human life as a perception for a new stage of life. From long time ago, there were traditional life rituals that are expressed in adult, marriage, death and sacrificial rites. Fang Bao proposed a particular perspective about woman rituals and infused a religious spirit into Confucius rites. There were many explanations about life rites in writing of Fang Bao. Mother makes obeisance to her son in the process of adult rite. Wedding means eternal trustiness form birth to death. Woman as a role of mother existed in clothing wore in death rite. Woman used special sacrifice and cooked food as a rite for passing through the beginning and ending of life, and for passing through beginning and succeeding of the family. From the explanation to woman status in rites, woman status, unlike the following imagination or statement, is in an oppressed and dominated status. The respect and inferior difference between man and woman should be discussed in detailed analysis from Ritual thought.