經典與意義建構——從《論語》「甚矣章」的說解論「詮釋脈絡」在經典闡釋中的作用 Classics and Meaning Construction──A Discussion on the Function of Hermeneutic Context on the Interpretation of Classics from the Exposition on “Chapter of Extreme Weakness” of the Analects

Xi-hui Zhang



The principle goal of this paper is to reveal the significant meanings of texts through the interactions between interpreters and texts while interpreters concern the mutual interpretative interactions between with the explanatory contexts of the interpreters and the classics. There are two elements reflecting the interrelationship between the contexts and the interpreters: “the academic tradition recognized by interpreter” and “era or personal context of the interpreter.” The interrogation of classics provides different barriers for interactive discussions between the classics and modernity. The only method for answering such concerns is through the reading of historical interpretations of Chinese classics texts; therefore, this paper will discuss the significant meanings of “Chapter of Extreme Weakness” written by a number of interpretations of interpreters of Chinese classics.