Wanqing Guo



Qing Dynasty is the most prolific era in Chinese history in terms of academic notes and many GuoYu’s research data are scattered in these notes. Therefore, studying the notes in the “GuoYu” study material has important significance. According to “DuGuoYuJianDuanJi” in the book Yue Man Tang DuShu JianDuanJi, we collected 24 cases. According to the content, these cases can be divided into six aspects, semantic interpretation, analysis of characters structure, exposing the specified order of names and things, exposing the different word order between GongXu and MingDao, exposing the different pronunciation of some words between GongXu and MingDao, exposing the word omissions or errors either in GongXu or MingDao, and so on. We try to interpret each of the 24 cases. Lastly, we obtain a preliminary answer that Li Ciming quoted others’ arguments but he didn’t specified. We hope that our research is beneficial to the study of Li’s “Du GuoYu JianDuanJi” and GuoYu.