戰後臺日交流下的中日文化經濟協會(1952-1972) The Sino-Japanese Cultural an Economic under the Taiwan-Japan Relation in the post-war perid (1952-1972)

Sao-Yang Hong



The paper examines the organization and operation of the Chinese-Japan Cultural and Economic Association (CJCEA) in 1952 to 1972. The CJCEA played the role as a business window between ROC government and the Japanese capital in Taiwan, assisting the exchange of human resource between Taiwanese and Japanese enterprises.
Generally speaking, the CJCEA hosted the Japanese economic affairs which focused on the basis of the economic communication and assisted the government to understand the difficulties happening on the Japanese enterprises in Taiwan. By comparing the function of Taiwan-Japan economic communication between the Committee for Promotion of Sino-Japanese Cooperation and the CJCEA, we can find the former served as the leading institution in policy consultation and hold the higher stage of economic affairs than the CJCEA..