因「存異」而「求同」-從《淮南子》論述「同/異」管窺漢初儒道關係 "Seeking the Sameness" for the Purpose of "Preserving the Differences" - Discussing the Relationship between Confucianism and Daoism in the Early Han Dynasty through the Discourse on the "Sameness and Difference" in Huainanzi

Lee, Tsung-ting



In the late Warring States period, there was a trend toward the convergence of the thoughts of various schools. Both academic and political studies exhibited a tendency to "seek the sameness." However, the diversity of pre-Qin scholars' doctrines persisted. This raised the question of how differences among these doctrines could exist amidst this convergence. Huainanzi (淮南子) is regarded as an important work of the Mixed school (Zajia雜家) from the early Han dynasty. It aimed to establish an ideological system in which heaven and man were interrelated, and continuity existed between heaven and earth. This book positioned "Dao" as the source of the universe's creation, and used Yin and Yang and the Five Elements as the principles governing the movement of heaven and earth. Within this framework, the differences between Confucianism and Legalism could be accommodated and absorbed. "Seeking the sameness" in politics and scholarly research did not lead to the elimination of differences among schools. Instead, it is only through "preserving the differences" that all schools of thought can maintain their ideas, thereby achieving the wholeness of the schools. This article employs a two-level theory to explain how Huainanzi combines "seeking the sameness" and "preserving the differences." On the one hand, the book pursued unity in the political system by placing the monarch in a pivotal position to practice "inaction" governance, emphasizing unity and order. On the other hand, it preserved differences in the social structure, arguing that everything has its own suitability and its place. The ultimate goal is for rulers to comply with the nature of all things and act in accordance with prevailing trends. Only by acknowledging and preserving differences can a ruler understand and practice "Dao." "Seeking the sameness" can only be realized through "preserving the differences". The relationship between "sameness and difference" discussed in Huainanzi was crucial not only for governance in the early Han dynasty but also for integrating Confucianism and Daoism. Consequently, Huainanzi holds great significance in the history of Chinese thought.