Shao-Chien Tseng



In the late nineteenth century, science and religion adopted different attitudes toward nature. The Symbolist painter Odilon Redon developed a complex nature imagery that reflected the dialectic between evolutionism and religion. The studies on Redon's nature imagery have mostly traced the sources of his ideas or emphasized the rupture between distinct phases of his oeuvre. Scholars seldom discuss how Redon negotiated the differences among science, literature, and religion, and how his views of nature and aesthetic evolved. This paper examines Redon's stylistic experiments and words, the biographies and reviews, the reception of evolutionary theory in France, and the Symbolist aesthetic discourse. First, I will explore the dialogue between Redon's nature writing and art history, especially Leonardo's theory of painting and Romantic Naturphilosophie. Then, I elucidate how the lithographic series Les origines is informed by evolutionary theories of Lamarck and Darwin, engaged in modernizing classical mythology, and expressive of the psychological states of primitive creatures. The pastels, paintings, and screen of underwater scenes will be analyzed in light of decorative aesthetic and Gaston Bachelard's poetics of reverie. Finally Redon's paintings of pantheist nature and sacred figures will be interpreted as an artistic approach to reconcile science and religion as the spiritual evolution proposed by Edouard Schure.