不合時宜的儒教捍衛者── 從辜鴻銘在臺灣的演講說起 Untimely Confucian defenders—Speaking from Ku Hweng-Ming’s speech in Taiwan

Liao, Chong-fay



Ku Hweng-Ming (1857-1928), a Malaysian overseas Chinese, was born in Nanyang, studied in the Western Ocean, married the Japanese, and became an official in the Beiyang government. Learn Chinese and Western, and know nine languages. His life experience is so drifting and apart, but it is the most stubborn cultural conservative. Perhaps it is a romantic Confucian sentiment that connects his wandering life. In November 1924, he was invited to stay in Taiwan for nearly a month, and he made several public speeches under the arrangement of Japan's official reserve. At that time, the Taiwan society was full of the atmosphere of pursuing modernization, and there was a great gap between the concept of Ku Hweng-Ming’s propaganda. He criticized modernization from the macroscopic view of world civilization, thereby highlighting the value of Chinese civilization that he is proud of, but it also reveals that his concept lacks in practice and ultimately leads to loss and vagueness. The failure to implement the concept will not only lead to the tragic nature of his personal cultural consciousness, but may even bury Confucianism together. Ku Hweng-Ming’s “out of date” reminds us that the practice of Confucianism should not neglect the context of reality and the care of the overall history and society.