主體的重構:論賈誼憑弔屈原的深層意涵 Subjectivity Reconstructed: On the Rhapsody on mourning for Qu Yuan by Jia Yi

Yu-fang Hsu



Numerous studies have been made by scholars to compare Jia Yi (賈誼) with Qu Yuan (屈原) through their life stories and poems, little is known about the personal sentiment, known as subjectivity, of Jia Yi’s Rhapsody on mourning for Qu Yuan (弔屈原賦). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to offer an interpretation of the Rhapsody from the perspective of the reconstruction of subjectivity. Wherefore, my point of view will base on an important concept: Poems often address us in ways that demand identification, and identification works to create identity. According to this concept, I consider Jia Yi wanted to express his personal sentiment and reconstruct his subjectivity via mourning for Qu Yuan. In other words, Jia Yi reconstructed (or requested) himself through reading Qu Yuan’s life and works. I will analyze the Rhapsody and refer the other works of Jia Yi’s, and discuss this question from philosophy and psychological angles.